What Are SoftClaw
Rubber Tire Chains?
Simply Put:
Rubber Tire chains do all the things that other tire chains do except they don't leave unsightly scratches on your driveway.
If you wish to research tire chains a bit more and find out how they work, you could do so here.
There is a distinct difference between conventional steel chains and SoftClaw rubber tire chains. Instead of having steel chains wrapped around the tires, rubber tire chains have rubber bars that go over the tires. The rubber bars are attached to a chain that holds the whole thing together, but the steel chain never contacts the surface.
Why Use
SoftClaw Rubber tire Chains?

In this day and age we're all concerned about our personal rights, and you my friend certainly have the right to use whatever tire chain you like. Bear in mind; however, that there's a good chance that steel chains will mark up (or maybe even "rip up") that pretty new driveway sealer you spent so much money on last summer.
Sure, you can try to patch up the marks next spring, but a much better solution would be to use rubber tire chains instead. The rubber bars will not mess up your driveway surface, no matter how hard you try, and they really do a very nice job of creating the traction you need to push that blade around with your tractor.
Rubber TIre Chains vs. Lug Tires
Many of you are probably thinking, "OK, so why wouldn't I just go out and buy some lug tires or some really hefty treaded tires instead of spending money on these silly rubber straps? Wouldn't these tires do the same thing?"
You're actually quite right.
The idea behind the rubber tire chains is that they do in essence turn a smooth turf tire into a sort of lug tire. The chain will often be cheaper than a new set of tires and will take up less storage space in the summer.
Rubber Tire
Chain Uses
Rubber tire chains are designed primarily for small garden tractors with turf tires, but they also work very well on ATV's, snow blowers, skid loaders, lawn mowers, and other similar equipment.
Please note that we do not make rubber tire chains for any road vehicles.
If you're looking for chains for your truck, you can buy them here.
Other Cool stuff You should know
- Plated steel components and a special durable multi-ply reinforced rubber bar that surrounds your tire and allows for superb traction. Great use of technical-sounding words! This isn't just a piece of cut-up conveyor belt wrapped around your tire.
- Step by step instructions for easy installation
- One year warranty on all components
- Rubber bars are 1/4" think by 1.25" wide and are attached to every 4th chain link.
- Tighteners usually aren't needed but are available for purchase
- Rubber bars generally last about 4 - 5 years under normal wear and tear.
- You can also purchase replacement parts (including bars) at any time.
- Shipping is UPS
- For you Canadians: Customs brokerage fee for purchases under $200.00 will be a flat-rate of $10.00.